Sunday, 29 January 2012

Happy Sunday

It is Sunday afternoon and you really want a little bit of a special snack to lounge with while the kids nap… ok so now you know what I want on a Sunday afternoon. I have, however, solved my problem, without killing my nutrition plan. Welcome a yummy mocha latte and no-bake protein bars.
Let’s start with the protein bars because you have to stick them in the freezer for a half-hour to get them to really set.
No Bake Protein Bars 

  •  1 ¾ cups rolled oats (seriously people just stop buying the quick oats)
  •  ½ heaping cup natural nut butter of choice (I used peanut butter but I am thinking cashew butter would be AMAZING)
  •  4 scoops natural whey protein powder (I usually avoid the flavored stuff – too much garbage rolled in there)
  • 1 tbsp of flax seed (because flax can really go in anything)
  • ½ cup water
  • 2 tbsp of agave nectar or raw hunny (we were reading Winnie the Pooh last night so that was an intentional typo)


  1. Put everything in a bowl, wash your hands, and mix it up with your clean hands.
  2. Line a loaf pan with parchment paper, press the dough into the pan.
  3. Pop the pan in the freezer for a half hour, remove and cut into 6 squares.

Ok, so now that we have our protein bars done, let’s move on to the latte. If you don’t know me well, you may not understand how strongly I feel about good coffee. It is kind of a love affair that coffee and I have going on and because it is such a strong relationship I try to limit my exposure to two cups a day. However, today is Sunday and we are going to town with a third afternoon cup so let’s make this mocha latte. 
Mocha Latte

  • 2 tbsp ground coffee
  • 1 tbsp cocoa
  • ½ tsp vanilla
  • ½ cup milk of choice


  1. Put the first two ingredients in your French Press (if you don’t have a French press you could use a Melita).
  2. Fill the French Press half way up with hot water, then add the vanilla.
  3. While waiting for the coffee to brew, heat your milk. I chose the easy method of the microwave with a follow-up of my hand foamer. However, you could also heat your milk on the stove and whisk like crazy.
  4. Add the milk to the coffee (in a cup, not the French Press – I do not drink straight from my French Press even with my extreme love of coffee). 
Now settle yourself down, enjoy, and if you children are awake by now put on a DVD – something educational so you can feel good about taking a break. Voila, Happy Sunday!!! 

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